Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Bangkok – View from Top

While going to Sydney, I had a short halt at Bangkok. So I got a chance to have aerial view of linear city. As a linear city, every thing seems to be linear from roads to agriculture fields to water bodies. From the top, its urbanization pattern seemed to be a mix of urban and rural. Mostly a city with low rise structures, but its infrastructure seemed pretty good. The Airport building looked very complex from outside with lot of steel and glass usage. Overall Bangkok is nice city to explore in future.


Lalit Jain said...

Art Expo India '09 is being organised by you and Kay Saachi, i read in Delhi Times. I would like to participate. About me,Readers Digest (India) has printed my profile and painting title Matrix in this Aug. issue. I am 76 years age.See me on Google "Lalit Jain artist or paintings. Kindle let me know Ms Kay Saatchi email ID. with warm regards - Lalit Jain

Lalit Jain said...

Art Expo India '09 is being organised by you and Kay Saachi, i read in Delhi Times. I would like to participate. About me,Readers Digest (India) has printed my profile and painting title Matrix in this Aug. issue. I am 76 years age.See me on Google "Lalit Jain artist or paintings. Kindle let me know Ms Kay Saatchi email ID. with warm regards - Lalit Jain

Vikram Sethi said...

I think there is some misunderstanding. I am not involved in Art Expo. Kindly check on internet for right details. Sorry for the inconvenience. Regards - Vikram