Monday, November 12, 2007

Kuwait visit (13-17 April 2007)

From 13th April to 17th April 2007, i got a chance to present a paper on Strategic Environmental Assessment in Kuwait. It was organised by American Society of Safety Engineers (ASSE), Kuwait chapter. It was well organized event. My paper was well accepted with audience and created lot of interest with delegates. Even people from Ministry of Environment, Kuwait were present in the conference. They have given good remarks on the paper and indicated about lot of environment consultancy projects in Kuwait. Overall it was great experience to present paper in such high profile conference.

I also visited few places and met people from different walks of life. I am writing few of my experiences:

Almost 60% population of Kuwait is Non kuwaiti. Lot of Indians, Pakistanis and Banglas. They live like brothers and no issue of border there as they belong to the same language group. You can find Indian restaurant on almost every street.

Americans have captured more of high class service jobs such as banking sectors. Americans are serving their borders and taking petrol from Kuwait on negligible rates. Local people are not much happy with Americans.

Kuwaiti currency is one of the costliest Currency of World. 1 Kuwaiti Dinar is of 150 of Indian Rs. During my visit i converted my Indian Rs. of 15000 and I got only 100 Kuwait Dinar in returns. Really costly

If you see, rate of petrol in kuwait...It is only Rs. 8 per litre and water is Rs. 45 per litre. That is difference they have for the rates of these two commodities. Water is really a scarce resource there. Lot of petrol refineries, so good scope of environment engineers and planners to work with them as they have to comply with the International Standards. Salaries are too good, around 1000-1200 Kuwaiti Dinar at our level along with the accommodation and travel facility( is considered to be excellent). I met lot of environment professionals, who were Indians. They have indicated good job opportunity for environment professionals.

Infrastructure wise, they are far ahead of us. Wide roads, good power supply, public transport facility and so on. I have not seen even single two wheeler on road during my visit, Only four wheelers and they are also big one and good one.

Kuwait has limited scope for tourism. Only one or two sites to visit, which are mainly sea shore and Kuwaiti Tower. For shopping, Kuwait has scope for dates (khajur), perfumes, dry fruits etc. But rest of things are imported from surrounding countries as they are getting fruits from Egypt and Italy, Spices from Iran, Vegetables from India and Pakistan and so on. They are dependent on others for most of the things. But they have nature's gift (petrol) with them, which made them very rich.

These were my experience of Kuwait visit. Looking for your responses as always.

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